Everyone has different experiences during and after pregnancy. While some women grow long hair when pregnant, others experience hair loss. Eyelashes and eyebrows falling out are common during and after pregnancy. If you have experienced this, you know how challenging it can be.
But the best part is that you can reduce your chances of losing your hair. And below is what to do.
What to Do If You Have Eyelash Fall Out
During pregnancy, the hormones fluctuate, which throws the thyroid gland off balance. This triggers hair loss and thinning. Maintaining healthy pregnancy nutrition and taking your prenatal vitamins can help minimize your chances of losing hair.
After pregnancy, try to add foods high in these nutrients for better results.
ü Essential fatty acids
ü High protein diet
ü Whole grains
ü Vitamin C
ü Vitamin E
ü Biotin
ü Sweet potatoes
ü Vitamin D
ü Zinc
ü Iron
ü Folic acid
Use Eyebrow Serums
Eyebrow serums are formulated with essential vitamins required to grow your hair. Supplementing this with a healthy diet can help restore your lashes to their former glory. Before investing in any serum, ensure it contains no ingredients that may irritate your eyes.
Consider going for eyelash serums that are vegan and cruelty-free.
Manage Stress
Stress triggers the production of cortisol in the body, which triggers hormonal imbalances. Keeping your stress levels under control can help minimize your chances of experiencing hair loss.
Use Hemp Oil
Hemp oil is known for its amazing benefits and therapeutic power. Choosing a hemp oil that is soothing and moisturizes your lashes can help you grow strong and fuller.
Get Lash Extensions
Lash extensions are a great pick for those who want fuller lashes. However, different factors influence the type of lashes you choose and how long they will last. Consider talking with your esthetician for assistance.
Wrapping Up
Losing hair during and after pregnancy should not make you freak out. With the right approach, you can successfully minimize these effects. Give the tips above and let us know which one works for you.