Work-related stress has increased in recent years. According to Med Alert Help (MAH), 83% of Americans are stressed about the nation's future. Stress and work burn out attributed to over 1 million cases of employee absenteeism daily. The numbers are alarming and show how stress has impacted productivity at work.
Those who work remotely are also vulnerable to stress and anxiety as their mind adapts to the new working environment.
While there are different ways you can use to manage your stress levels like yoga, meditation and exercise, you can never go wrong with floatation therapy. And the best part is, you do not need to float daily, unlike exercise, yoga, and meditation. This helps save you time to focus on what you do best.
But before we get down on how this therapy works on stress, let's first look at how stress impacts your body.
How Stress Impacts Your Work

Stress is a leading cause of poor mental health and depression. If not addressed early, work-related stress can adversely affect the relationship between workers, seniors, relationships, diet, and sleep patterns.
Worse still, work-related stress can have other impacts on your body which include:
ü Fatigue
ü Anxiety
ü Headache
ü Restlessness
ü Confusion
ü Muscle tension and pain
ü Poor concentration
ü Loss or increased appetite
ü Alcohol or drug abuse
How Floatation Therapy Can Help
Floatation therapy helps promote a sense of well-being, reduce anxiety, stress, depression and increase optimism toward life. All this helps manage work-related stress effectively.
Floatation therapy achieves this by:
Restoring Your State of Well Being
Flotation tanks are super-saturated with Epsom salts which helps increase Magnesium levels. When your body floats in the tank, it absorbs some of these salts, which increases Magnesium levels in the body. Magnesium is known to help increase serotine production-a feel-good hormone that helps improve mood, reduce anxiety and stress levels allowing you to achieve a state of well-being.
Reduces Cortisol levels
Cortisol hormone is responsible for high-stress levels. Floatation therapy helps reduce cortisol levels which helps your body combat any stress-related symptoms. Regular floating helps keep cortisol levels in check and helps relax your body and mind.
Calms the Mind
During floatation therapy, your mind reaches high levels of serenity. You will fall asleep, and your mind, soul and body will slip from all the worries.
How Often Should You Get Flotation Therapy?
The frequency of receiving flotation therapy depends on the goals you are trying to achieve. Below is a lowdown of how often you should float.
Once a month
Recommended for those with:
ü Little or no pain and an active lifestyle
ü Busy schedule
ü Improve your well-being and goal setting
Twice a Month
Recommended for those who:
ü Need to boost their energy levels
ü Have chronic pain and migraines
ü Seat for extended periods daily to help reduce muscle pain, realign the spine and decrease chances of inflammation.
ü Have a moderate daily routine and wish to recover from exhaustion
Once a Week
Great for those who are looking forward to:
ü Reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
ü Ideal for trainers, athletes, and those with active lifestyles
ü Improve sleep and prevent insomnia
ü Improve the state of well-being
ü Prepare for an upcoming event, exam, trip, or competition
Recommended for:
ü Those who wish to drop bad habits while forming new ones
ü People who are journaling or want to self-reflect
ü Preparation of a major competition or event
ü Recovery from injury or rehabilitation
ü Improving productivity, memory, and a state of well being
If you are new to floatation therapy, consider talking to a professional therapist to help you determine your frequency. Book your appointments now and find a balance between work and life.